An einem delikaten Geschmack

A good olive oil is instantly recognisable by its delicate flavour.

Our Son Nebot olive oil is stable, has a medium bitter flavour, is lightly fruity and boasts medium sting.

Furthermore, a true Extra Verge olive oil has a sufficiently shelf-life of around 18 months – even without hydration. This is due to its inherent and non-tampered antioxidant compounds. The health benefits of polyphenols, vitamins and minerals remain well preserved through an expert and caring extraction process. These safeguard the olive oil from oxidative damage as well as spoilage, and the consumer from harmful free radicals. The olive oil should be stored in dark-toned glass bottles or in stainless steel containers.

It is therefore, that Son Nebot olive oil is bottled in dark-coloured steel bottles with a stainless coating. Only in this way, can the best quality and flavour be guaranteed.

You are welcome to purchase some excellently palatable Son Nebot olive oil, with its fine taste.

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